Transformative Leadership for Challenging Times: Cultivating China-EU Business Leaders

Today’s ties between China and the European Union trace their origins to almost half a century ago. During that time, China has opened to the world, its economy and enterprises making incredible progress; Europe has continued to lead the way in key industries. On both sides, business has been vital in driving development and social change.

To respond to the shared challenges of geopolitical competition, a move away from globalization, and the rapid advancement of disruptive technologies, the world needs responsible, visionary, and globally minded business leaders. It also requires robust communication and exchange between China and Europe, two vital players on the world stage. How can we cultivate responsible global leaders equipped to deal with the challenges of the day? What are the defining features of leadership that are needed for today’s businesses? At the 10th Europe Forum 2024, held in both Brussels and Shanghai on October 22, speakers from the political, diplomatic, business, and academic communities of China and Europe will gather to answer these questions and more, exploring how to promote the development of China-EU leadership and seek new paths for future cooperation.

Date & Time: 15:00-18:10, October 22 (Beijing time)
Language: English and Chinese (with simultaneous interpretation)

  • Shanghai / 699 Hongfeng Road, Pudong, Shanghai, P.R.C.
  • Brussels / Rue de la Loi 155 Résidence Palace, International Press Center, 1040 Brussels, Belgium

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