Benelux businesses in China face unprecedented challenges in wake of the outbreak of COVID-19. The onset of the outbreak is not only expected to plague the business sentiment and economic outlook in China for the upcoming year, but as well for global markets.
The past year a decelerating economy in combination with national reforms including the Corporate Social Credit System and implementation of the New Foreign Investment Law, as well as geopolitical tensions both nationally and globally, among which the ongoing China-US Trade War, have altered the playing field for foreign companies in China.
The 2020 Sino Benelux Business Survey is set out against this backdrop and provides extensive data on the period prior to the outbreak in an aim to identify underlying challenges and opportunities, while also painting a picture on the outlook and expectations for 2020 considering COVID-19 and other challenges.
The Sino Benelux Business Survey 2020 is an initiative of the Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China and Moore.
Moore is a financial advisory firm based in Shanghai, which is part of Moore Belgium and a member of the Moore Global Network.