John Lin’s perspective on China’s tech and innovation trends

The East eats the West for breakfast


September 12th, 2023


Academiegebouw Universiteit Utrecht
Domplein 29, 3512JE

The NCBC warmly welcomes you to our upcoming event: a seminar featuring John Lin discussing the latest technological and innovative advancements in China.


  1. 16:30 Welcome drinks
  2. 17:00 Opening speech by Jochum Haakma (NCBC chairman)
  3. 17:05 Presentation John Lin
  4. 18:00 – 19:00 Drinks & Networking

JOHN LIN: John is an expert on China and a keynote speaker. He studied Innovation Management at Erasmus University and specializes in the platform economy and digitalization. He is also a regular columnist for Twinkle Magazine, De Ondernemer, and a strategic advisor for BORG Consulting. Previously, he held positions as Lead Ecosystem Business Developer and Strategy & Business Developer at John’s mission is to bridge the gap between the East and the West, bringing them closer together.

Sign up!


  1. NCBC members: Free
  2. Students: 7 €
  3. Non-members: 25 €