“The East eats the West for breakfast“
September 12th, 2023
Academiegebouw Universiteit Utrecht
Domplein 29, 3512JE
The NCBC warmly welcomes you to our upcoming event: a seminar featuring John Lin discussing the latest technological and innovative advancements in China.
- 16:30 Welcome drinks
- 17:00 Opening speech by Jochum Haakma (NCBC chairman)
- 17:05 Presentation John Lin
- 18:00 – 19:00 Drinks & Networking

JOHN LIN: John is an expert on China and a keynote speaker. He studied Innovation Management at Erasmus University and specializes in the platform economy and digitalization. He is also a regular columnist for Twinkle Magazine, De Ondernemer, and a strategic advisor for BORG Consulting. Previously, he held positions as Lead Ecosystem Business Developer and Strategy & Business Developer at bol.com. John’s mission is to bridge the gap between the East and the West, bringing them closer together.
- NCBC members: Free
- Students: 7 €
- Non-members: 25 €